Thursday, November 15, 2012

The End of the REPANELED BLOG!

Goodbye,  everyone.  I had fun with this blog....but it has run it's course.
It was inspired by my friend Robert Goodin's awesome COVERED BLOG.
I'd like to thank everyone who submitted.  I am very grateful to each and every
drawing.  As we all know, these are labors of love.  I hope to see your art on other blogs and
places throughout the interverse.  You will definitely see more by me.  I'll leave you with a little sophomoric humor and this George Tuska drawn gem:

Thursday, October 25, 2012

John Douglas repanels Action Comics #544

 "Action Comics #544", June 1983.  The story is "Rebirth" and it was written by Marv Wolfman and art was by Gil Kane.

John Douglas is HERE:

Friday, October 19, 2012

Anthony Vukojevich repanels Adventure Comics #403

Anthony Vukojevich is HERE. 

Original by the great Ross Andru and Mike Esposito!  1971 DC COMICS


"These fan-designed costumes appeared in Adventure #403 (1971, after the Legion's run ended in that comic). Only those for Duo Damsel and Saturn Girl were used permanently. For one issue only, Karate Kid, Projectra, and Shadow Lass wore these costumes, in Superboy v.1 #183 (1972))."

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Paul Hoppe repanels Spuk Geschichten (Spooky Stories) #327

Paul says:
Even back then it was a guilty pleasure, as it was very pulpy, with monsters constantly running after half-naked women. It was one of the few series that were actually available at newsstands. Besides that I actually don't know much about the background of the series. I think it was produced for the German market, but the artist could have been in a studio abroad. It's hard to find out anything about him online.

Artist: Jesus Pena,
(although it's spelled with a "wave" above the "u", and a pointy thingy pointing up, above the "n".
Publisher: Bastei (Germany)
Alas there is not much info.

Tim Clark repanels Amazing Spider-Man #121

repaneled by Tim Clark

Original Written by Gerry Conway
Pencils by Gil Kane
Marvel Comics

Tim Clark says: I don't really have a site but anyone that wants to talk art or comics can find me @

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Marc Jones repanels The Incredible Hulk #147

Panel was originally printed in The Incredible Hulk issue 147; written by Gerry Conway, Art by Herb Trembe, published by Marvel, copyright 1971.

Thanks, your blog is great.

Marc Jones

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Paul Hoppe repanels Force Works #1

Original pencils by:
Tom Tenney

Here's the link for the original publication:

Paule Hoppe has a website:


He is also publishing mini-comics and a blog with his own take on the heroes of his childhood, perhaps you'll enjoy swinging by:

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Jamie Hibdon repanels Terry and the Pirates

Jamie wrote: This originally saw print in 1935 under NY News Syndicate Co. Inc., but IDW put out the volume I'm reading in 2007.

 Milt Caniff is the writer/artist.

Jamie Hibdon is HERE.

Friday, August 24, 2012

James Newell repanels 2000ad

Info:  Original Panel, Rogue Trooper - "All Hell on the Dix-I Front" Script by
Gerry Finley-Day & Art by Colin Wilson, from the pages of 2000ad - Prog 
278, way back in 1982

James Newell is

Friday, July 27, 2012

Greg Elmensdorp repanels Tom Poes & Mr. Bumble from the Dutch Donald Duck Magazine

THE ORIGINAL by Marten Toonder appeared in the dutch Donald Duck Magazine in 1964, and was created by <a href="">Marten Toonder</a>. It features his famous characters Tom Poes & Mr. Bumble.

Greg Elmensdorp is HERE.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Andrew Wales repanels Tezuka’s Buddha

Tezuka's Buddha info HERE.

Andrew Wales purchase info write:
 He can be found HERE.